Papers Presented At The Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association 1995
AUGENSTEIN, John J. CHA-9513 15p. Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE): Formative Years-1908-1935, Highlights and Footnotes American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI BRENNER, Rachel F. CHA-9509 38p. Searching The Self In The World of The Holocaust: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank and Etty Hillesum American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI COMERFORD, Kathleen M. CHA-9508 15p. The Influence of The Jesuits on The Curriculum of The Diocesan Seminary of Fiesole, 1636-1646 American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI GENDZEL, Glen CHA-9511 Senator Joseph McCarthy In The Catholic Press American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI GOLLAR, C. Walker CHA-9503 21p. Catholic Slaves And Slaveholders On The Kentucky Frontier American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI JANOSIK, MaryAnn CHA-9506 25p. Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Do Reflect Us American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI McANDREWS, Lawrence J. CHA-9504 28p. Unanswered Prayers: Church, State and School In The Nixon Era American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI McNALLY, Michael J. CHA-9507 28p. Irish-Born Priests in Twentieth Century America: Florida as An Example, 1920-1968 American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI NAYLOR, Phillip C. CHA-9512 9p. Catholicism in Colonial and Postcolonial Algeria American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI PHAYER, Michael CHA-9502 11p. No Reward For The Righteous: Margarete Sommer and the Holocaust American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI SANCHEZ, Jose M. CHA-9505 20p. The Popes and Nazi Germany: The View From Madrid American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI TETER, Magdalena CHA-9510 29p. Jews In The Historography Of The Catholic Church In Poland American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI WORCESTER, Thomas CHA-9501 15p. Bishop Camus (1584-1652) And The Feminization Of Counter-Reformation Piety American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI YOCUM MIZE, Sandra CHA-9514 14p. In The Court of The "Court of Sciences" American Catholic Historical Association, April 7-8, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Papers Presented At Annual Meetings of the North American Patristic Society 1994 and 1996
ALBL, Martin C. NAPS - 9606 16p. "By The Mouths of All His Prophets": The Epistle of Barnabas and The Testomonia Hypothesis North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL CHRYSSAVGIS, John NAPS - 9601 24p. Problems In Spiritual Direction: Perspectives From Egypt and Palestine North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL FINN, Thomas M. NAPS - 9401 12p. Augustine: A Ritual Convert? North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL FINN, Thomas M. NAPS - 9607 14p. Arians in North Africa: The Evidence from Quodvultdeus North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL HARVEY, Paul B. NAPS - 9410 5p. Creating Martin North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL HUNTER, David NAPS - 9403 23p. The Date and Purpose of Augustine's De Continentia North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL LIEHNARD, Josehp T. NAPS - 9610 9p. Recent Research On Marcellus of Ancyra North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL LUCKMAN, Emmanuelle NAPS - 9608 11p. The Prophet and The Church in "Shepherd of Hermas" North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL MARTIN, Thomas F. NAPS - 9602 10p. Corpus Mortis Huius/Corpus Uitae Illius: Paul, The Body, and Rhetoric In Augustine North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL MATHISEN, Ralph NAPS - 9405 22p. Et Manu Ipsius: Papal Postscripts Written Propria Manu North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL McLEESE, C.E. NAPS - 9408 17p. Augustine, Sexism and Humility North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL MORRIS, Royce L. NAPS - 9406 24p. Oi Presbuteroi in the Papyri North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL O'KEEFE, John J. NAPS - 9604 10p. Making The Psalms a Christian Text: The Contribution of Theodoret of Cyrus North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL POWER, Kim NAPS - 9407 18p. "...a fortified city...a city besieged": Ambrose of Milan's symbolic treatment of the body in Book 6 of the Hexameron North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL REASONER, Mark NAPS - 9605 9p. Justin and The Testimonia of The Church North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL RICHEY, Lance B. NAPS - 9409 13p. The Manichaean Origins Of Augustine's Theory of Freedom North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL THOMPSON, Glen L. NAPS - 9603 11p. Forgeries Attributed To Early Popes North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 30-June 1, 1996, Chicago, IL VINZENT, Markus NAPS - 9402 11p. Salvation and Resurrection in the Epistle to Barnabas North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL WILLIAMS, Daniel H. NAPS - 9404 13p. The Ecclesiastical Politics of Ambrose of Milan: His Two Embassies to Trier North American Patristics Society, General Meeting, May 26-28, 1994, Chicago, IL
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