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What Others Say

"Pastors, missionaries, and seminary students alike will find the research materials at the Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) a useful resource in their ongoing studies. I warmly recommend it."

Dr. J.I. Packer
Regent College, Vancouver, Canada


"TREN provides a unique resource for academic research because it retains electronic copies of materials that cannot be found anywhere else, including academic papers presented at evangelical conferences and many MA, Th.M., and D.Min. level projects. I am thankful for the valuable work of TREN."

Wayne Grudem, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies
Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, AZ


"By making available the large volume of Masters-level thesis and D.Min projects, TREN fills a significant gap in theological research. It will prove useful for pastors and seminary students alike."

D.A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


"For seminary students engaged in extensive research, access to MA, ThM, and DMin documents is essential. TREN provides such access with quality indexing and with full-text availability in many cases. No graduate program in theological education should be without access to TREN."

Dr. Vernon Grounds, Chancellor
Denver Seminary


"TREN provides immediate access to the works of scholars across the country. For seminary students or pastors in need of in-depth material on particular subjects, the access to the full-texts of theses, dissertations, Doctor of Ministry projects, and society papers made available by TREN is invaluable. I highly recommend their service."

Dr. John MacArthur, President
The Master's College and Seminary


"TREN's collection of microfiche dissertations and theses have made an outstanding contribution to our library. Our students regularly use TREN, often finding dissertations on subjects not commonly found in books. Economically priced, TREN provides Christian colleges an affordable way to add a significant number of quality titles to their collection every year. I highly recommend TREN to all theological libraries."

Mr. Gerald Franz, Library Director
Practical Bible College, Bible School Park, NY


"Increasingly, theological education and religious studies are in the debt of TREN. TREN's document retention and indexing programs are a decided asset to librarians and scholars alike and we should be grateful to have access to the services of a firm so closely aligned with our interests."

Dr. Stephen Peterson, Former Library Director
Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT


"TREN fills a significant gap in theological research by making available the growing volume of theses, written at the Masters and D.Min levels. Further, by disseminating these materials in low cost microfiche, it has made large collections affordable to the smallest of libraries. The TREN index alone is a valuable contribution to theological bibliography and belongs in the reference collection of every theological library."

John Muether, Library Director
Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL


"TREN's Mission Collection continues to grow both in size and importance. The set includes masters, D.Min, and doctoral theses on missiology, interreligious encounters, denominational and mission history, evangelism, leadership, and Christian ministry in non-western cultures. Some of the authors are noted practitioners in these fields. Highly recommended for theological collections, this set exhibits TREN's commendable work in microform preservation, document delivery, and indexing. Librarians will be pleased to note that each work has been cataloged as part of OCLC's Major Microforms Project."

John Dickason, Library Director
Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA


"I very much appreciate the service TREN is providing to the theological community. Your service is a major contribution to theological education in preservation, space-saving and document retrieval. I recommend it highly to other librarians."

Rev. Kenneth O'Malley, Library Director
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL


"The TREN library has become our most valuable tool in researching theological issues and exegetical questions. The busy pastor is now able to access immediately the latest in Christian scholarship, via economical microfiche. We enthusiastically recommend each local church and pastor to obtain the TREN library and commit themselves to excellence in Biblical research."

Douglas Van Allen Heck, Dir. of Expository Resource Services
Inc. , Tulsa, OK


"We are dedicated to putting research information in the hands of those who need the studies. TREN is meeting this need by organizing topics and distributing lists of theses and projects to researchers. The preservation of these documents in microformat is increasingly important in a society dependent on deteriorating paper. Checking these otherwise inaccessible bibliographies against our holdings has become standard procedure for A. Webb Roberts library."

Carl R. Wrotenbery, Director of Libraries
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX

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Email: Robert Jones, Director